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How to Repair Common Problems With Toilets

How to Repair Common Problems With Toilets

It is easy to take our modern, convenient toilet systems for granted but when they begin to play up, we suddenly realise just how important they are. For the most part, problems with your toilet will require the assistance of plumbing services such as BDS Drainage but how easy is it to repair the most common toilet problems? In this article, we are going to find out.

Repair Common Problems With Toilets

The most common problems with toilets are usually blockages, overflowing water or noisy pipes but these can be easily repaired with the correct know-how.

Blocked Toilets

Easily the most common issue in homes across the UK are blocked toilets whether from a child putting something down the toilet or flushing items such as baby wipes and sanitary products. The best way to tackle this type of problem is to grab a plunger and get to work.

If you find that the blockage won’t shift, it might be time to enlist the help of a blocked toilet plumber.

Water Over-Flowing

Not only is this a common problem but it also a potentially devastating one. If water frequently overflows from the toilet it could cause damage to the surrounding area resulting in a hefty repair bill. Quite often this is as a result of cold weather or flushing one too many times. 

Placing a towel around the base of the toilet will soak up any excess water but turning the water off using the valve near the toilet will prevent any further overflow. But we know this isn’t a permanent fix so try the following as well:

  • Remove the cover from the toilet tank.
  • Lift the float cup so that the running water stops.
  • Access your water heater and turn off the valve until there is no water flow.
  • Take a cup and remove excess water from the bowl.
  • If the toilet continues to overflow, you may need to call in a plumber.

Flushing Alters The Shower Temperature

In some cases, flushing the toilet may cause the shower water to temporarily run cold. Fortunately, there is a simple DIY answer to this problem. Essentially, you need to slow down the speed at which the toilet refills and this can be done by putting a small tub of sand, gravel or stones in the toilet tank – it is important to note that this will cause some noise.

If you want a more final solution, there is the option to invest in a low-flow toilet which will need to be installed by a professional.

The Handle is Stuck

Being unable to flush your toilet due to a stubborn handle can be a nightmare but more often than not, this is simply a result of limescale build-up or dirt within the tank. Cleaning the limescale with a solution of vinegar and bicarb should effectively remove it. Additionally, you can clean the mounting nut inside the tank which may also alleviate the problem. If neither of these options yields good results, it may be worth considering a replacement handle.


Toilet problems can be extremely annoying and often cost a lot to fix but these common toilet problems all have pretty simple solutions and whether you decide to take a DIY approach or bring in the pros, you can feel confident that your toilet will be back in working order in no time.

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