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How Much Does Spray Insulation Cost?


The cost of spray insulation in Canada can vary depending on the size of your job, materials used, and labour costs. Generally speaking, the average material cost to insulate a standard home is approximately $4,400. Labor costs are about $1,000-$2,000 less.

What Factors Affect Spray Insulation Cost?

The amount of roofing insulation you need will affect the price and whether or not repairs are necessary before installation begins. Other factors that influence the cost of your insulation include:

Size: Bigger homes require more fibreglass than smaller homes. However, if you have an odd-shaped space or unusual features like vaulted ceilings, your contractor may need to use extra material.

Type of Fibreglass Used: The type of fibreglass used also affects the price. Rock wool is a better insulator, but you’ll pay more than fibreglass.

The Product Used: The cost of the insulation itself is only half the equation. Different types of spray foam have different R-values and prices. In general, closed-cell foam is slightly more expensive, but it’s worth the extra expense as it provides greater weatherproofing capabilities.

Open vs. Closed Cell Foam

Open-cell spray insulation is less expensive because its bubbles expand when they come in contact with heat from an attic space or interior walls leaving large gaps through which air can pass easily between studs and joists. Its lower expansion rate makes open-cell spray foam ideal for use under slanted roofs and exterior walls, but it produces less overall insulation. Closed-cell spray products are more effective at preventing air infiltration and provide a higher R-value per inch than open-cell foam offering better thermal performance for storage areas like attics. Don’t hesitate to learn more by checking out https://fdinsulation.com/cost-of-spray-foam-insulation-in-new-homes-in-2023/

Repairs Before Installation

If your home needs repairs before starting insulating, expect to pay extra for the necessary work and materials required to make your house safe and weather tight again.

Spraying Insulation
Spraying insulation on home remodel/addition job.

Types of Insulation Used in Homes

Fibreglass is also used as insulation in homes and buildings. Fibreglass’s composition differs from that of spray-on insulation in that fibreglass contains no moisture when applied, while spray insulation often does.

Fibreglass can be installed by blowing it into an attic space to form the ceiling or cutting and fitting between studs and joists in a wall.

Fibreglass is extremely versatile insulation, useful in all dwellings, including homes and commercial buildings alike. This popularity is largely due to its flexibility: fibreglass can be used for insulating walls and ceilings, thanks to its ability to stretch and bend without tearing.

Cost of Fiberglass Insulation Materials

While cost varies by region and labour rates vary based on the location of your home (urban areas typically have higher fees), fibreglass insulation typically costs about $1 per square foot when installed over approved vapour barriers such as plastic sheeting. The R-value will be between R-3.5 and R-6.0 per inch with proper installation.

Price Differences Between Fiberglass and Spray Foam

Spray foam insulation is the best option for homeowners who want to make their homes as energy efficient as possible, but there is a price difference: spray insulation costs about $2.50 per square foot installed (with an average of 4 inches applied).

Other Factors Influencing Cost of Insulation Materials

Besides the type of spray insulation used, other factors determine how much you will pay to purchase and install fibreglass or spray-on insulation.

Age of Property: Older homes typically have older heating and cooling systems with outdated methods for insulating them. Older houses may also require more extensive repairs before being properly insulated.

Area Covered by Materials: Insulation materials vary in size, affecting pricing and ease of application. While loose fibreglass batts come in standard sizes (typically 2 x 4 feet), spray insulation must be applied to specific areas on studs, joists, and rafters.

Amount of Material Required: Different types of material contain different amounts, some less than others. For instance, fibreglass batting offers more insulation, but installing more of the material may be necessary to complete an installation.

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