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Does Tap Water Have Fluoride in It And Why This Could Be An Issue

Does Tap Water Have Fluoride in It And Why This Could Be An Issue

At the beginning of the 20th century, Federick McKay started to look into why natives of Colorado Springs had brown stains on their teeth. The investigation discovered that these teeth were resistant to decay. It ultimately led to a closer look at the local water supply and the discovery that fluoride in the water was strengthening the teeth, as well as discolouring them.

By the middle of the 20th century, fluoride was being added to water supplies around the globe, including Australia. The theory behind this is simple, it strengthens teeth, reducing the risk of cavities and tooth loss. Of course, it’s most effective when combined with good oral hygiene.

Research continues to confirm that fluoride is beneficial to teeth health, which is why it continues to be added to the water supply. However, not everyone is in agreement about this practice.

In fact, thousands of Australian residents use the best water filters Sydney to remove fluoride and other chemicals from the water. Here’s why:

Link To Disease

There has been some research in recent years that suggests a link between fluoride consumption and an increased risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s. Although the research is limited, it is of some concern and may be enough for you to consider extracting the fluoride from your water.

Excessive Fluoride Consumption

Fluoride isn’t just in the water supply. It’s found naturally in a number of food products and is added to an array of other ones. That means it is possible to consume too much fluoride. Unfortunately, excess fluoride consumption is what caused the brown stains in Colorado. It can also be harmful to your overall health.

It should be noted that the Australian authorities have deemed 1.5mg of fluoride per litre of water to be a safe level but this doesn’t take into account how much fluoride you get elsewhere.


Anyone who suffers from allergies may also find they are more susceptible to the effects of fluoride. Again, research is continuing into this but, if you suffer from allergies, you may wish to cut back on them.

A Safe Level?

As mentioned, the Australian authorities deem 1.5mg per litre of water to be safe. However, research suggests that the average human can absorb anything between 0.46 to 5.4mg of fluoride a day. This is potentially over the safe limit.

While researchers are trying to develop a better understanding of fluoride and safe limits, it’s advisable to play on the safe side and use a water filter to eliminate the fluoride from your water.

As a bonus, you’ll eliminate any pathogens and contaminants that have gotten into the water supply between the treatment plant and your home. This can happen and has happened before. The filter will also remove the chlorine which the treatment plant adds. Taking the chlorine out improves the flavour of the water and reduces the health risks associated with this potentially deadly compound.

In short, your tap water has fluoride in and it’s worth considering using a water filter to eliminate it.






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