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8 Tips on Designing a Home Office

8 Tips on Designing a Home Office

More people are working from home now more than ever before. It can be challenging to work at home if you do not have a designated space just for work. Design your home office with these great tips, so you will have a functional and comfortable workspace.

1. Decide on a Location

It is ideal to use an entire room if this is possible with your living situation. If not, a designated area within another room can work well too. If you are really tight on space, consider using one end of your kitchen or dining room table.

Remove any items from your home office space that you will not need for work. Try to avoid having items that will distract you such as gaming systems or television.

2. Office Desk

While it is so tempting to lounge on the couch or lay in bed with your laptop, it certainly will slow your progress throughout your workday. It is important to have a desk and a comfortable chair in your home office. Danny’s Desks Melbourne has a huge variety of affordable options to choose from.

Think about these questions when choosing a desk. Do you want a drawer that locks? Do you want attached shelves? Do you want wood or metal? How large of a top do you need for the type of work that you are doing? What kind of price range do you have?

3. Desk Supplies

There are certain supplies that you will need, like a laptop and possibly a printer. Anticipate what other things you may need. Do you need a webcam? Perhaps your company will require a fax machine?

Make a checklist of items that you need and gather what you can from around your home. Purchase any items that you do not already have prior to starting work in your home office. This will alleviate stress on the first day.

4. Decorations

Decorating your office may seem unnecessary to some of you. Others would find it nearly impossible to work in an undecorated space. You know yourself. Decide what is best for you. Most people prefer some decorative items on their desk, including family photos. Framed degrees or certificates are common for office decor too.

If you will be seeing clients or meeting with business partners in your home office, then be sure to have at least a few decorative items. These may include photos, plants, artificial trees, flowers, wreaths, candles, or framed art. Be sure it is inviting.

5. Meeting Space

Will others go into your office to meet with you? If so, then you should have a small meeting space with a table and chairs. If you do not have space for a table, then a few chairs or a couch will work.

Make meeting spaces comfortable by adding abstract throw pillows. Make them welcoming with some flowers, magazines or coffee table books.

6. Coffee & Snack Bar

To avoid running to your kitchen, which can often sidetrack you from the task at hand, have a coffee and snack bar. Keep this area stocked with assorted drinks and snacks.

If you will see clients here, be sure to have extra on-hand to offer them as well. Consider prepackaged snacks in case a client has allergies.

7. Shelves

No matter what kind of work you do, chances are good that you have books or binders that you refer to throughout the day. Having a small shelf available for these items will help you keep your desk free from clutter.

You can also organize projects by keeping all related items together on a designated shelf. Keeping projects organized will help you to be more productive.

8. Filing Cabinet

If you work with clients and have personal data about them, then you will need to have a locking file cabinet to keep the information safely stored away from other clients.

Small filing cabinets are available that slide in right under a desk. Some desks come with locking filing cabinet drawers as well.

It can truly be a blessing to work from home. Design an office that will help you want to work in that space, knowing that you can relax in your home when you are done.

Author’s Bio

Matt McGrath is an avid traveler and a prominent writer in the blogging community. He has been to more than 50 countries. While he loves discovering new cultures and adventures, he is also passionate about sharing practical tips to his followers. If you love to travel and adventure, we recommend that you read and follow all his articles!

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