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5 Eco-Friendly Things You Can Use To Stop Plastic Pollution

5 Eco Friendly Things You Can Use To Stop Plastic Pollution

Simply looking at the statistics for the amount of plastic usage in the world can be enough to make anyone drop it and start looking for alternatives. These alternatives are often easier to use, and cheap to buy, so getting starting with them won’t take too long.

1. Bring your own bag

When it comes to shopping, most plastic bags are easily torn, hard to handle, and can cause some serious problems when left in a landfill. If you aren’t using these plastic bags for more than a shopping trip, then you might want to consider using a reusable bag.

These cloth bags are often more personal, can be used for a multitude of things and jobs, and when they are finished with their lifespan they will simply degrade into the environment.

2. Use reusable water bottles

Using reusable water bottles, thermoses, and mugs also reduce the waste from thousands of plastic bottles and coffee cups. All of these things can be bought for a reasonable or even cheap price once, and then both the environment and your wallet will thank you for not buying plastic versions. Here you will find premium quality reusable amber glass bottles you can purchase online.

It can be even more fun when you go on a business’s website, as they often have free memorabilia to further personalize your bottle with the insignia of your favorite sports team or comic book character. In addition, stay away from straws that are often another plastic item you don’t need.

3. Get rid of plastic in the bathroom

Using bar soaps for your hair and body will reduce the throwing out of empty plastic dispensers when you are done. Bar soaps even last longer and are often made from natural ingredients that free your body from other chemicals.

Specialized bar soaps that are made for shampoos and conditioners also are easy to find if you know where to look, and you can clean your entire body without squeezing a single dispenser.

4. Use reusable metal containers for lunches

Using metal containers, cloth napkins, and even reusable plastic containers can help cut down on the countless plastic baggies and paper napkins that are thrown away every single meal. Whether you brown bag your lunch or eat out for several meals, having reusable cutlery and storage options for leftovers will give environment lovers piece of mind.

5. Use second-hand items for outside parties

When parties are thrown, sometimes those plastic cups and plates aren’t worth using due to the high amount of waste that comes from them. So instead, have second-hand glasses and silverware that can be used for outside parties.

That way, you aren’t causing waste by using plastic plates and cups, and since the plates and glasses are second-hand you won’t be concerned about scratches or abuse.

While reducing plastics is difficult, the environmental benefits received if everyone was to live a plastic free lifestyle is staggering. While you might not change everyone’s mind, all it takes is one person living for the environment, and then the world gets that little bit better.

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