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4 Ways to Prepare Your Home for the Colder Months

4 Ways to Prepare Your Home for the Colder Months

The weather has been incredibly unpredictable lately, but that doesn’t mean that you should be caught unawares when winter finally decides to rear its ugly head. If you live in a climate where temperatures can dramatically drop and where there can be a lot of snow, it is best that you conduct home maintenance in fall and get everything in order well. Here are some ways you can prepare your home for the colder months and keep both you and it happy and healthy.

1. Replace Old Windows

Older windows, like ones that have been around for 10+ years or windows that have wooden frames, can be extremely detrimental to the wellbeing of your home, especially when the temperate drops. That’s why it’s important to get your windows replaced this year before it gets cold. Windows that are damaged and worn out over time can get cracks or leaks that allow cold air and moisture into your home. The result is condensation on your inside window panes, possible mould build-up, and heat loss.

Trying to heat your home with windows that are constantly leaking hot air is not only uncomfortable but expensive. Installing new vinyl windows will help keep you warm and also save you money with their energy-efficiency.

2. Get Your Furnace Serviced

Regular furnace maintenance is important and best done yearly in the fall. The last thing you want is to be stuck on a cold day without a working furnace, as not only is this bad for your health but your home’s as well. If your home gets too cold it could freeze your pipes, resulting in cracks that can cause leaks or flooding. These issues are expensive and sometimes difficult to repair, especially if the damage happened somewhere that isn’t in plain sight.

By checking your furnace and making sure it’s in working order, you’ll be able to solve any issues before they happen and avoid any unnecessary problems later on.

3. Clean Your Gutters

Your eavestroughs need to be completely clear of debris like dirt, leaves, and twigs, before it begins to snow, or else they will be become clogged and unable to drain water. Clogging can lead to leaks that make their way into your home and cause mould or structural damage. It’s also important that your downspouts are pointed away from your home (at least five feet) and that they are also clear of debris for proper drainage.

4. Do a Quick Roof Check

Damaged, loose, or missing shingles is not something you want to leave unchecked before the winter months. Melting snow can create an immense amount of water that leaks into your home, causing wood rot, mould, and hot air loss. Give it a quick look-over while you still can and if you need to, hire a repairman to fix any found issues.

The main point of this list is to get ahead of any problems that could possibly arise during the colder months. It is much more difficult to do repairs during winter, so dealing with them now is the best option to save yourself from any future headaches and a hefty repair bill.

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