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Tips to Create a Registration form for an Event

Tips to Create a Registration form for an Event

One of the most important aspects of an event is the construction of an effective registration form.Some organizers underestimate the power of having a good form and don’t take the time to define what are the most relevant questions to ask your target audience.

If you wonder which is the best registration form for your event, the answer is very simple the one you put together on your own.This is because it is only you who knows what information is going to be relevant to your event.

There is no one way to create it and it depends on the objective you have when it comes to receiving registrations for your event.However, there are a number of recommendations at build forms “mightyforms.com” that you must take into account when creating your registration form.How to create an efficient and effective registration form for your next event?  

Tip 1. Define your Goal

It is important to be clear about the main objective of your registration form.For some people the main objective is to have a way of preparing the logistics that the event requires, for others it is to know more about their audience and for others it is a way to segment their audience for commercial purposes.

Tip 2. Ask the Important Questions

Being clear about your objective, you should ask the relevant and necessary questions to add to your registration form.

The Minimum Data are: Name, Surname and Email

From there on you can add the questions you require but do not exaggerate the amount, that will directly affect the number of registered you want to achieve.Get out of your organizer perspective for a moment and put yourself in the perspective of a participant, nobody likes to fill out long or complex registration forms.

Tip 3. Avoid open Questions

If you want to have a database where you can group people according to their answers, there are questions you should create with closed answer options.

For example, if you are organizing an academic event and want to know which are the professional careers that access it, it is better to create a question where the answer can be selected from a list of options that you defined in advance.

Tip 4. Define Mandatory and optional Questions

If you want to have more information about the participants, you can create optional questions so that the user has the possibility to decide whether to add it or not.You must be very careful to put an optional question that should be mandatory, as this will prevent you from having the answers to things you need for your event.

Tip 5. Optimize the Appearance for all Devices

It is difficult to know how your target audience will access your form, so you must ensure that it looks perfect on any type of device: computer, smartphone, tablet, among others.Taking this into account will allow your users to complete their registration without any problem.

Tip 6. Segment your Audience

It is possible that in your event you will receive a wide audience that you want to segment, either because they have different rates or because you want to offer different experiences for each group of people.

If so, you must create an enrollment type for each of those segments, taking into account the space you have for each one.For example: a conference for 100 people where you will allow 80 people to register “General” and 20 people “VIP” which will provide them with a better location and access to a personalized session after the event.

Tip 7. Confirm the Registration Result to the user

Avoid using online forms that are not intended for the organization of events, as these are not designed to give an accurate answer to your participants about the status of their registration.Unlike these forms, an event organization software will confirm your registration status to your participant with an email and a QR code to access your event quickly.

Tip 8. Integrate your Payments in the form

Make life easy for your participants, do not do in 2 steps what you could do in 1. Enable the option so that they can make the payment while they register.This will help you streamline their registration process and you have a list of people who have confirmed their registration and payment.

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