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Things to know about steel French doors and what makes them popular

Things to know about steel French doors and what makes them popular

You must have come across doors that consist of a single large piece of glass supported by wooden or steel frames. These are French doors, named after their place of origin: France, where they are a common sight in homes.

Instead of a single door, these usually come in pairs, allowing you to open them on either side, thus offering more space and better functionality.

If you’re considering buying one of these, it’s better to opt for steel French doors, preferably from a reliable distributor who offers various choices in terms of size, shape, and designs and offers attractive sales from time to time.

These are some other things to know before buying one of these doors.

What makes them different?

The primary difference lies in the steel frame that supports the glass, adding maximum strength, security, and efficiency while having a sleek and elegant appearance at the same time. Greendoors.co.uk is the best place where you can find various types of Doors.

Why are they so popular?

Space efficiency is a major factor behind people choosing these doors because they let you move items in and out of your house without difficulty. They also enjoy a high versatility, making them ideal for external areas (like the deck, balcony, porch, or patio) and inside the house (for example, connecting two rooms).

Wooden doors usually restrict access to views of your backyard or lawn. However, with these doors, you can enjoy the views of both areas by simply opening the doors. They also play a role in making your house airy and well-ventilated.

They are also cost-effective, as you can replace the damaged windows without replacing the entire door, as is the case with wooden ones.

In which designs are they available?

French doors have window panes on their bodies and are available in three, eight, and six panes or even a single pane.

Doors with more panes have less glass area than those with lesser ones, while the size of the windows is bigger in three panels. If you want maximum sunlight to enter your house, it is a good idea to go with three-panel windows with the highest glass area.

Most of these doors come in a square top design, where all sides are equal.

Which ways do they open?

These doors open both ways, giving you space-saving opportunities. However, you can choose the direction you want them to open, with some choices including left-hand outswing and inswing and right-hand in-swing and outswing.

In an outswing, the door has a pulling motion, making it come towards you. Inswing doors have a pushing mechanism, causing them to open towards the room you are entering.

Sizes to choose from

French doors with steel frames come in various sizes, including 56*96 inches, 61*81 inches, 61*96 inches, and 38*96 inches. Before ordering, you should measure its width from knob to the side, top to bottom, and the sides.

Type of glass used in them

You can choose from flemish, rain, reeded, sandblast, water cubic, silver reflective, bronze reflective, and clear glass. Sandblast glass offers a frosty surface appearance, preventing anyone from seeing you from the outside. Clear glass is fully transparent, without tints, texture, or additives.

Steel French doors are stylish, elegant, functional, space-saving, and cost-effective. You should consider buying them for your home, as they increase their value and security.

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