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Smart Garden from NASA: What You Need to Know

Smart Garden from NASA What You Need to Know

We all have a thousand and one hobbies that, more or less, we try to carry out throughout the week. Sure, seeing as you are enduring the beginning of this article, that among yours is the growing interest in new technologies. If, in addition, you are fond of getting into the kitchen, putting on your apron, and surprising friends and family with your recipes, I think this article would interest you.

The smart pot has arrived

It is true that together with Gadgetsfind I am going to show you one of the most revolutionary products today and although it is not something that is in high demand today, at least among too many people. The fact is that thanks to the smart garden idea from NASA, we have been able to find out what the cultivation of vegetables could be, small in size, of course, in the not too distant future.

What is NASA Smart garden?

The first thing that catches your eye, as in most modern products, is the careful design taken into account by the designers of this garden. The three bases of this product are efficient space management, you will not need a multitude of pots to grow your favorite herbs, the intelligent use it makes of water since its distribution is constant, and that previous knowledge in agriculture or care is not necessary. of plants, the system is already fully automated and managed via mobile phone.

In short, you don’t need a natural environment to grow vegetables and other plants. Everything is run by this modern technology from water, lights, humidity, pollination, and other factors that affect the growth of plants.

Rotofarm, one of the companies that manufacture this smart garden.

The process of using the product is really simple. In its inner part, as a first measure, it will be necessary to insert the bases with seeds. Then, in the part that acts as the base, the water mixed with a series of nutrients provided by the company itself will be introduced. The monitoring of the garden and any type of alert is followed through the mobile phone application, so you only have to enjoy those fresh foods, such as lettuce, kale, mint, parsley, or spinach.

Rotofarm light includes spectra that our eye cannot distinguish. In addition to a curious and dynamic appearance, this is an efficient product to the point of being able to. According to the information provided by the company, Rotofarm uses three times less surface space than any horizontal garden, only needs five minutes of attention per week, uses 95% less water than soil, and has an LED light that saves Energy. Speaking of this light, it mimics the sunrise and sunset, so that the plants follow a life cycle similar to what they would have in the field.

As a curiosity, the company offers a kind of transparent cover, so that the garden is protected, but also that prevents the intense light that comes from inside from disturbing the kitchen, or where it is located, and with its interior reflective surface, help plant growth.

Enter Click & Grow

Click & Grow, a company that sells models for indoor plantations, presented Wall Farms, a device that allows the cultivation of vegetables on the wall of a house. The novelty is based on the model used by NASA astronauts.

The orchard developed uses nanotechnology materials that provide in the correct measures all the necessary nutrients for the growth of vegetables, as well as oxygen and water. The method promises to be very simple and allow everyone, even those who live in small apartments, to have their own plantations.

In addition to installation, according to Click & Grow, vegetables grown with their technology have more vitamins than conventional ones and grow about 30% faster than if planted in the ground.

And then there’s AVA Byte

AVA Byte is the world’s smartest indoor garden, designed by AVA Grows for the connected and conscious Millennials looking to unlock their green thumbs.

This smart soilless garden promises fresh greens and greens that are grown as locally as possible.

If you want to grow some of your own produce, but don’t have an outdoor spot for a garden, or if you want to grow it year-round, an indoor counter may be the answer, especially in a small space.

A low-tech solution, such as a flowerpot or urban leaf on a sunny window, can be effective until the short winter days arrive, after which additional lighting is needed until spring arrives.

That’s one reason why growers with integrated lighting and irrigation systems are a popular choice, as they can be installed virtually anywhere in the home, regardless of access to sunlight.

With automated LED lighting tuned for optimal plant growth, combined with an aeroponic or hydroponic growing system, even those who have never had a green thumb can successfully grow greens, herbs, and vegetables indoors.

AVA Byte promises to bring adaptive intelligence and machine learning to the countertop growth scene for a hassle-free experience that is “so smart and simple it must be magical.”

This 5-pot grow unit is designed to accept the company’s compostable soilless grow pods, which are pre-seeded and contain an appropriate nutrient mix for the variety of plants, then automatically watered according to the growth of the plants.

The lighting, which is supplied by LED bulbs, is automatically monitored and controlled by the device, and is said to be “optimized for the plant.”

According to the company, the lighting and growth system offers up to three times the rates of conventional growth and requires much less water (something that is a characteristic of hydroponic systems in general).

A unique feature of AVA Byte is the inclusion of an HD camera pointing at the plants, allowing it to keep track of plant health and growth, as well as allowing users to make videos of their herbs and vegetables in timeslots.

Not sure there’s a great need for more indoor gardening videos, but it could be fun, right?

Using the camera for something called Plant Vision is also mentioned, which would be something that could diagnose plant problems through an image, but nothing else is said about it, so perhaps that is a future feature.

And of course, there is an app for the device, which allows users to monitor the light, water, and growth of the unit, as well as manually customize the device’s growth settings if desired.

Another intriguing item, also briefly mentioned, was that the units could not only grow herbs, vegetables, and greens but could also be used to grow mushrooms.

There is no other information about how the AVA Byte system would work for mushroom growing, but perhaps that will be another feature in the future, which could be a way to stand out from other similar countertop growing systems.

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