Home Blog How Do You Fix a Broken Tile Without Replacing It?

How Do You Fix a Broken Tile Without Replacing It?

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Tiles are a cost-effective and low-maintenance option for giving your space a facelift. In that regard, Tile Installation Kansas City experts are a good bet if you need to remodel your floor or other surfaces. But, in due course, the inevitable tends to happen.

Picture this: you drop a hammer or heavy object on your tiled floor and- Oops! You break a tile or two. Or, due to normal wear and tear, a tile develops a mini fissure. You now have a problem with your hands.

On the off chance that a tile on your floor or counter breaks, how do you fix it without having to replace it? Read on to learn about two ways to get the job done.

1. Using Epoxy

Epoxy is a hardening agent you can use to glue cracked tile pieces together. To create a lasting bond, it’s advisable to opt for a two-part epoxy kit. Otherwise, a one-part kit would still work. You can find epoxy at a local home improvement or hardware store.

Start by preparing the cracked surface by wiping it down with a piece of cloth or paper towel dampened with rubbing alcohol. Cleaning gets rid of dust, dirt, and grime that may have accumulated on the tile.

On a piece of scrap wood, mix equal amounts of epoxy from the two-part kit until it’s thoroughly blended. The amount you use would depend on the nature of the fissure. Plus, epoxy works best on minor fractures. That means you may have to take drastic action for larger cracks or use other ways to solve your issue.

Use a popsicle stick or plastic spoon to apply your mixture across the length of the hairline crack. Allow the liquid to seep into the crack, after which it hardens. Be sure to do this quickly, as the chemical reaction in the mixture causes the epoxy to dry quickly.

Once it dries- say after 20 minutes, give or take a few- use a sharp object such as a scraper fitted with a razor blade to scrape away the excess epoxy that strayed onto your tile. If need be, apply a powdered dye (a local hobby store would stock some) on the spot you’re fixing for the epoxy to match the surrounding hue. But, if the epoxy’s tone appears to meld with the color of the tile, feel free to skip this step.

2. Applying Nail Polish

If you have some nail polish sitting on your dresser, it might be time to put it to good use through a nifty DIY hack. Apply some nail polish on a hairline crack to keep the tile from breaking further. Choose a color that best matches the tone of your tile, or mix small portions of your polishes to achieve a tone that closely melds with your tile.

Nail polish also lets you create a textured look that goes well with a tile, a convenience you wouldn’t enjoy if you were to use paint. Since the polish seeps into the fissure, you may need a few coats to cover the fracture completely.

But if the tile has a large crack, consider filling the gap with caulk or wood glue- the latter works best. Wood glue expands and contracts due to changes in temperature without losing its adhesive properties, ensuring the tile holds up well over time.

Squeeze some wood glue onto the most considerable portion of the crack and smear it lengthwise with a finger. You may also use a toothpick to work it into the crack. Let the glue dry for at least 10 minutes.

After that, use a nail polish brush to paint a layer of liquid polish over the fixed fracture. For a good seal, apply some polish along the edges of the crack. Wait about 15 minutes for the polish to dry.

Apply some nail polish remover on a cotton swab to remove excess dried polish on your tile. Dab and smear the swab over the polish for the best results. Give it a second try with another swab if the extra polish doesn’t come off on your initial attempt.

Generally, this approach works best for tiles with a glazed finish. If yours is porous, method one above would be ideal.

While tile repair is an easy task that does not require a particular skill, repairs may not be feasible in some cases. For instance, a tile with multiple points of breakage may be difficult to repair. If you’re facing such a predicament, a replacement will provide the best option to restore a surface. Therein, tile installation experts can assist you in making necessary replacements.


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