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5 Tips to Help You Protect Your Home from Costly Water Damage

5 Tips to Help You Protect Your Home from Costly Water Damage

The average cost of a home water damage insurance claim is about $6,965, and in the U.S alone, the annual cost to insurance companies from mold and water damage is about $2.5 billion.

As you can see, water damage can be a very costly affair.

So, what can you do on your part to keep your home protected from costly Water Damage Restoration? Well, the best thing that you can do is to ask for help from a reputable water damage restoration everett and avail of affordable 24/7 water, storm, and fire restoration services. 

1. Locate Your Water Mains

Water damage is a very time-sensitive matter, so the sooner you can control it, the less the damage suffered.

Keeping this in mind, therefore, you cannot afford to be looking for the water main in an emergency.

Locate where it is beforehand so that you know where to go in case of anything.

Often, you will find the main shut off located near the water meter or where you have the main water line entering the home.

Besides using it only when there is an emergency, the water main could also be shut off whenever you leave your house for a considerable length of time. Say, a vacation or a weekend away.

This way, you would minimize the likelihood of water damage resulting from a dripping faucet or other water leaks.

Make sure the kids know how to turn off the water mains as well.

2. Run Water Appliances Only When You’re at Home

In our busy lives, you might be tempted to run the dishwasher while dashing out the door to rush to work. Or running the washing machine at night while you get some much-deserved sleep.

However, tempting as it might be, don’t run any water-consuming appliance unless you plan on sticking around until it’s done.

When it comes to such appliances, water damage restoration Austin warns that water damage may arise from a broken dishwasher hose, dishwasher leakage, a washing machine overflow or even a leaking ice maker hose.

If you’re at home, then you can swiftly identify and promptly deal with any leaks immediately they happen. If you’re away though, then it might be too late by the time you discover the problem.

Keep in mind that a burst hose could pump 600 gallons of water in your house every hour.

3. Stay on Top of Home Maintenance

Check drainage systems and ensure that they’re working as expected, sloped away from the house.

Regularly clean your gutters and downspouts ad you could even install gutter guards if you have plenty of trees around your house.

Perform regular roof inspections looking out for missing shingles and other types of damage.

Routinely inspect your attic for water damage, and reseal your basement if you notice any cracks on the floor and walls.

Apply caulking to your windows, faucets, drains, bathtubs, and other plumbing fixtures.

Seal doors by using weather stripping to prevent seepage from rain and melting snow.

Replace the hoses on any water-consuming appliances the moment you notice signs of wear. Upgrade your old hoses using the highest quality replacements.

4. Pay Attention to Your Plumbing System

Everyone wants high water pressure in their home, but when the water pressure is too high, this could be problematic.

For residential water systems, the recommended water pressure is between 40-70 PSI.

Excess water pressure could put stress on pipes and hoses, causing them to fail.

A 1/8-inch crack in a pipe could result in a leak spilling 250 gallons of water a day. So, you want to be on the lookout for even the slightest damage in your plumbing system.

Telltale Signs of a problem include noisy pipes, signs of moisture on floors or walls, and rust-stained water owing to corroded or worn-out pipes.

As for the water heater, make sure you partially drain it at least twice a year, to prevent rust and erosion caused by sediment buildup at the bottom of the tank.

Also, keep an eye out for leaks on the container. It is reported that 75% of water heaters fail before they are 12 years old.

5. Install Detection and Monitoring Devices

Water security systems are designed to detect leaks in your pipes at a much earlier stage than the naked eye.

The system then sends you an alert to notify you of the defect, and no matter how far you are from home, you would be able to remotely shut off the water supply to stop leaks and prevent any water damage in Dallas.

Such systems are often pretty pricey, but if you can afford it, it will be well worth the investment.

There are different types of water security systems designed for different uses. Some monitor your water usage for any anomalies, and others are basic sensors installed near specific appliances to check for slow leaks.

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